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Shepherd is your end-to-end learning assistant. Shepherd enables you to self-study, get expert help, get help from your learning community!
Shepherd enables you to take notes in a Notion-style editor, making it easy to organize your thoughts and ideas.
Ditch multiple apps and have this be your one-stop-shop for all your learning resources.
Ad supported
AI powered by GPT-3.5
Access to tutor marketplace
Unlimited manual flashcard creation with spaced repetition
500 AI-generated Flashcards with spaced repetition
Adaptive quizzes
Upload files up to 10 mb limit per file
Take notes in Notion-style editor
30 questions per day to chatbot
Smart reminders
Everything in Basic
Focused studying: No ads
AI powered by GPT-4
Access to stored videos and transcripts of tutor sessions
Unlimited AI-generated Flashcards/month
Upload files up to 100mb limit per file
Import/Export flashcards from CSV (e.g., Anki)
200 questions per day to chatbots
Study plan (coming soon)
Research assistant (coming soon)